Additional information for the Student Session Report DTT version
This report is intended to provide the teacher and others real-time information on the progress and status of a student’s training.
->The first block of information just identifys the report, who it is for, and where the license is located.
DT Trainer – Student Session Report – Kirt G. – noID
Location: Home – Sue Smith, Room Therapy, Lic#: 0621
-> If you want to change the student identifier, select the “Student Identifier” button on the Common Administration Tab it the DT Trainer Administration.
-> The next section is the Key and the link to this web page. If you are already familiar with the abbreviations on the reports and on many of the administration dialogs, the Key is just a reminder. To fully understand the meaning of the information on this and other reports, check out our training videos under the Training Tab and Self-Paced Training on this website.
T-Trials C-Correct I-Incorrect N-NoResponse, RT-ResponseTime
Train States U-Untrained T-Train R-Random M-Maintenance P-Proficient
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-> The Session Summary section indicates when the session occurred, the session level results, and how much was trained. The Result line gives the Total (T), Correct (C), Incorrect (I), No Response (N), and Response Time (RT). Results with 0(zero) trials are not shown. So if N was 0(zero), then the No Response data would not appear. Dropping the reporting of 0(zero) data makes the report more concise and readable. The number of trials and percent of total trials is given for the C, I, and N results.
***Session Summary***
Session: 9/10/2016 9:12 AM Time:15:00s
T: 73, C: 65(89%), I: 5(6%), N: 3(4%), RT: 6.1
Trained 39 items in 12 programs.
-> The Program Summaries gives a little more about the training status of the number of selected programs for the student.
***Program Summaries***
Active: 12 Complete: 37
On Deck: 3 Other Inactive: 8
->And then gives the results by program for each of the programs with one or more trials during this session. Some lines may be very concise if there were only correct (or incorrect) answers like… “C: 5(100%)” means that the all 5 answers were correct (so nothing else was reported). The program name and results are displayed on one line if possible to fit on one line displayed on a smartphone. Otherwise, the name is on one line and the results indented on the next.
* Match-Clock-5 Mins C: 5(100%)
* Math-NumAdd 25s
T: 9, C: 7(77%), I: 1(11%), N: 1(11%)
* Money-US Cents
T: 9, C: 5(55%), I: 2(22%), N: 2(22%)
* Math-NumAdd 01s 20+ C: 6(100%)
* Count-Die 1-6 ToNums C: 5(100%)
* Math-NumAdd 05s C: 2(100%)
* Money-US Ident C: 9(100%)
* Time-Label The Clock1
C: 7(100%)
* Math-NumMult 02s
T: 6, C: 4(66%), I: 2(33%)
* Count-Dots 1to10 C: 6(100%)
* Count-Fingers 1-10 C: 6(100%)
* Count-Pegs 1-4 C: 3(100%)
->The Trained Items by Program provides item name and results grouped by program. The top group shows the template
for the section.
***Trained Items by Program***
Program Name
# Items by Item State
Session Result for Program
* Item Name >> Session Result
* …
->The # Items by Item State line gives you where in the training process the program items are by count from Untrained (U) to
Proficient (P). You can easily see if items are progressing or not after training a while and if the student is nearing
completion of a program where most items would be in the Proficient state.
->There is also a results line for the program presented in as brief of form as possible.
Match-Clock-5 Mins
U: 49 T: 0 R: 1 M: 4 P: 0
C: 5(100%), RT: 5.6
* 12:35 >> R=C R=C R=C
* 12:10 >> M=C
* 12:25 >> M=C
->Each item line starts with a “*” and then the item name. After the “>>” symbol the results are displayed as the sequence
of individual trial results in the format “[train mode]=[result]”. So “R=C” indicates a Random mode trial that was answered
correctly. “T(10)=I” indicates a Train mode trial at step 10 was answered incorrectly. Again if the item name and result line
would be too long to display on a smartphone, the line is split with the name on one line and result on the next.
Math-NumAdd 25s
U: 5 T: 2 R: 1 M: 1 P: 0
T: 9, C: 7(77%), I: 1(11%), N: 1(11%), RT: 6.9
* 25+25
>> T(11)=C T(12)=C T(12)=C T(12)=C R=N R=C
* 75+25 >> R=C
* 50+25 >> R=I T(11)=C
->Scan down through the programs verifying progress and looking for programs and items indicating issues. Through subsequent
sessions, you will be able to monitor programs and items having problems over time. If the student is not progressing on some
programs, then prerequisite programs, knowledge, or skills may be needed so you would deactivate the program and work on the
prerequisites before reactivating that program. You might also see information where you would need more details provided by
other reports in the DT Trainer.
Money-US Cents
U: 1 T: 1 R: 2 M: 1 P: 0
T: 9, C: 5(55%), I: 2(22%), N: 2(22%), RT: 5.6
* 25¢
>> R=I T(12)=I T(11)=N T(11)=N T(11)=C T(11)=C T(12)=C
* 1¢ >> R=C
* 10¢ >> R=C
Math-NumAdd 01s 20+
U: 27 T: 0 R: 4 M: 1 P: 0
C: 6(100%), RT: 6.5
* 24+1 >> R=C R=C R=C
* 21+1 >> R=C
* 22+1 >> R=C
* 23+1 >> R=C
Count-Die 1-6 ToNums
U: 1 T: 0 R: 1 M: 3 P: 1
C: 5(100%), RT: 6.2
* 5 >> R=C R=C R=C
* 1 >> M=C
* 2 >> M=C
Math-NumAdd 05s
U: 17 T: 1 R: 1 M: 1 P: 0
* 15+5 >> R=C R=C
Money-US Ident
U: 5 T: 0 R: 1 M: 4 P: 0
C: 9(100%), RT: 5.6
* one dollar bill >> R=C R=C
* quarter >> R=C M=C M=C
* penny >> M=C M=C
* dime >> M=C
* nickel >> M=C
Time-Label The Clock1
U: 7 T: 1 R: 2 M: 2 P: 0
C: 7(100%), RT: 5.9
* 3 missing >> M=C M=C M=C
* 12 missing >> M=C
* 1 missing >> R=C
* 2 missing >> T(12)=C T(12)=C
Math-NumMult 02s
U: 0 T: 2 R: 1 M: 0 P: 12
T: 6, C: 4(66%), I: 2(33%), RT: 6.3
* 2 x 9 >> T(12)=C T(12)=C R=I R=C
* 7 x 2 >> T(12)=I T(11)=C
Count-Dots 1to10
U: 5 T: 0 R: 2 M: 3 P: 0
C: 6(100%), RT: 5.2
* five dots >> R=C R=C R=C
* one dot >> M=C
* two dots >> M=C
* four dots >> R=C
Count-Fingers 1-10
U: 4 T: 1 R: 1 M: 1 P: 3
C: 6(100%), RT: 6.7
* five fingers >> R=C
* four fingers >> M=C M=C
* three fingers >> M=C M=C
* six fingers >> R=C
Count-Pegs 1-4
U: 0 T: 0 R: 1 M: 3 P: 0
C: 3(100%), RT: 5.3
* 4 pegs >> R=C
* 1 peg >> M=C
* 3 pegs >> M=C
->The final section provides information on the reinforcers.
***Reinforcer Summaries***
Configured: 13
This session:
No Reinforcement (70)
Assorted1PuzzleSet06Piece (1)
Follower (1)
Balloon Pop (1)
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