Our new emotions programs contain the following: happy, sad, angry, surprised, scared, sleepy, sick, tired, mad, and afraid. There are 3 actors displaying all 10 emotions. Confusable emotions are excluded as distractors as appropriate. The 5 programs cover identification, Identical Matching, Non-identical Matching, Images from Words, and Images to Words. The programs not only build emotion awareness, but also establish the words associated with the emotions.

Identify basic emotions by selecting the correct facial expression.
Identical matching programs insure the student understands the distinguishing features of a picture. If a student is failing to learn identification then back down or start with matching programs.
Match-Emotions1 NI:
Non-identical matching programs insure the student is generalizing a concept across multiple images. Recognition of similar attributes
Match-Emotions1FromWords & Match-Emotions1ToWords
Matching between images and written words is a basic reading comprehension skill.
Make sure you can get the new DT Trainer Content Programs!
In order to download these new updates via your DT Trainer auto updates you need an active updates & support agreement. You will have an active U&S agreement if you purchased the DT Trainer or a continuation bundle within the past year.
For more information or if you need a quote for additional licenses, a site license, or another year of updates & support for your school district or institution, email sales@dttrainer.com.
Home users can get more information and can purchase DT Trainer Home Bundle or DT Trainer Home Continuation Bundle by visiting our on line store at www.dttrainer.com/store or by calling 803-403-1336.
We appreciate your business and support in our mission to make a difference for individuals with autism and other learning disabilities.
Best wishes,
-Karl Smith
Founder of Accelerations Educational Software