AES is Releasing 3 NEW Reinforcers and 8 UPDATED Reinforcers in the DT Trainer
The Arts and Graphics category is a popular choice and can benefit a wide variety of individuals, from the early to advanced learners. The new Image Building “Coral Reef” reinforcer, allows the individual to choose the images they want to appear in the scene (e.g., background, plants, objects, and fish).
Activities\ArtAndGraphics\ImageBuilding\Coral Reef
We’ve added TWO NEW Puzzles to the Games category. The puzzle pieces are “dragged” to the puzzle guide. Once a piece is close to its spot, it “snaps” in upon release. “Geometric Shapes1” & “Sailboat” are inset puzzles, designed to support the kindergarten curriculum concepts of recognition, identification, and combination of geometric shapes to create objects in the environment.
Activities\Games\Puzzles\Inset\Shapes\Geometric Shapes1
Basic Cause and Effect reinforcers require the student to perform simple interactions. The six newly updated Mouse Music reinforcers have images that follow the student’s finger or the mouse pointer, while the student hears fun music.
Activities\BasicCauseEffect\Mouse Music\…
We have also updated the Scribbling (Black & White and Color) reinforcers to include a wider variety of colors to choose from.
Select the check for updates from the DT Trainer. You will need to be in your update and support period to download the updates. If your updates and support has expired, contact AES by emailing for a quote on a “Continuation Bundle” giving you another year of updates and support.
Thank you!
The AES Team
Accelerations Educational Software
Phone:(803)403-1336 · Fax:(803)403-1337